Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time
00:00 Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming Fishing the Wild West TV Overland Chronicles TV El Camino Motorcycle Television Cabela's Deer Gear Prairie Pursuit Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming 00:00
00:30 The One The Outdoorsman National Walleye Tour The Real Deal Here's the Catch Sportsman's Journal TV Sport Fishing on the Fly 00:30
01:00 How to Hunt with Ryan Kohler Water Ways Catching Bass with Dustin Wilks The Way It Was TV SnowTrax Television Carnivore TV Archer's Choice 01:00
01:30 The Canadian Tradition Final Approach Presents "The Last Pass" Flyways Finest Carnivore TV Snowmobiler TV DeerTopia The High Road with Keith Warren 01:30
02:00 Dirt Nap TV North Mountain Adventures Viejo Creek Outdoors Due North Outdoors The Chase with Ted & Amber Final Approach Presents "The Last Pass" The Green Way Outdoors 02:00
02:30 Emerald Tails The Ultimate Fishing Experience Canadian Sportfishing DeerTopia Guns & Gear Hunting with HECS The Real Deal 02:30
03:00 Canadian Sportfishing Paid Programming Paid Programming Deer & Deer Hunting TV Trekkit ATV Hook & Harvest Texas Strong Outdoors 03:00
03:30 Sportsman's Journal TV Paid Programming Paid Programming Canadian Sportfishing Fishing the Flats Paid Programming Paid Programming 03:30
04:00 The Green Way Outdoors Paid Programming Paid Programming Sportsman's Journal TV Fish'n the Arctic with Ryan Gregory Paid Programming Paid Programming 04:00
04:30 Homegrown Paid Programming Paid Programming The Green Way Outdoors Fed by Fire Sportsman's Journal TV Outdoor Quest TV 04:30
05:00 Bowzone Live Paid Programming Paid Programming Fish'n the Arctic with Ryan Gregory Guide's Tails Fishing the Flats Cabela's Deer Gear 05:00
05:30 Bowzone Live Hunting with HECS Claudio Ongaro's Hired to Hunt Collegiate Bass Fishing Series Trigger Time TV Fish'n the Arctic with Ryan Gregory Grassroots Racing 05:30
06:00 Prairie Pursuit Wiebe Trapline Adventures Trapping Inc. Waterfowl East Reel West Coast Fed by Fire Here's the Catch 06:00
06:30 CCFR Radio - On the Air The High Road with Keith Warren Non-Typical Nation Sail Kings Archer's Choice Deer & Deer Hunting TV Fisherman's Digest 06:30
07:00 The EDGE Offroad Odyssey Americana Outdoors Hitmen Long Range Hunter TV Sportsman's Journal TV Overland Chronicles TV 07:00
07:30 Mitchell Payment's Moment of Truth TV The Green Way Outdoors Texas Strong Outdoors Silver Kings Let's Take it Outside with Misty Wells Fins & Skins Reel West Coast 07:30
08:00 Outdoor Quest TV Trailing the Hunter's Moon Wild Angles Fisherman's Digest Reel West Coast Due North Outdoors Wild Talk 08:00
08:30 The Real Deal Outdoor Bound TV SG Adventures Trapping Inc. Deer & Deer Hunting TV Outdoor Bound TV Wild Talk 08:30
09:00 Higdon Outdoors TV Hook & Harvest Sport Fishing on the Fly Deer & Wildlife Stories Pursue The Wild Wild Talk Yamaha Whitetail Diaries 09:00
09:30 Fishing the Wild West TV Overland Chronicles TV El Camino Motorcycle Television Cabela's Deer Gear Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming Wild Talk Let's Take it Outside with Misty Wells 09:30
10:00 The Outdoorsman National Walleye Tour Higdon Outdoors TV Here's the Catch The One Offroad Odyssey National Walleye Tour 10:00
10:30 The Flush Catching Bass with Dustin Wilks The Way It Was TV SnowTrax Television How to Hunt with Ryan Kohler Snowmobiler TV Gary Cooper's Fishing Diary 10:30
11:00 Final Approach Presents "The Last Pass" Flyways Finest Carnivore TV Snowmobiler TV The Canadian Tradition Long Range Hunter TV Hitmen 11:00
11:30 North Mountain Adventures Viejo Creek Outdoors Due North Outdoors The Chase with Ted & Amber Dirt Nap TV The Chase with Ted & Amber Canadian Sportfishing 11:30
12:00 The Ultimate Fishing Experience Canadian Sportfishing DeerTopia Guns & Gear Bowzone Live SG Adventures Sportsman's Journal TV 12:00
12:30 Hunting with HECS Claudio Ongaro's Hired to Hunt Collegiate Bass Fishing Series Trigger Time TV Bowzone Live Trekkit ATV The Green Way Outdoors 12:30
13:00 Wiebe Trapline Adventures Trapping Inc. Waterfowl East Red Arrow Prairie Pursuit Grassroots Racing Homegrown 13:00
13:30 The High Road with Keith Warren Non-Typical Nation Sail Kings Archer's Choice CCFR Radio - On the Air Guns & Gear Fins & Skins 13:30
14:00 Offroad Odyssey Americana Outdoors Hitmen Long Range Hunter TV The EDGE Trigger Time TV The Outdoorsman 14:00
14:30 The Green Way Outdoors Texas Strong Outdoors Silver Kings Let's Take it Outside with Misty Wells Mitchell Payment's Moment of Truth TV The EDGE Wiebe Trapline Adventures 14:30
15:00 Trailing the Hunter's Moon Wild Angles Fisherman's Digest Reel West Coast Outdoor Quest TV The One Wild Angles 15:00
15:30 Outdoor Bound TV SG Adventures Fishing the Wild West TV Trekkit ATV Deer & Wildlife Stories The Green Way Outdoors Yamaha Whitetail Diaries 15:30
16:00 Homegrown Sport Fishing on the Fly Deer & Wildlife Stories Pursue The Wild Viejo Creek Outdoors Americana Outdoors Hook & Harvest 16:00
16:30 Grassroots Racing Sportsman's Journal TV Yamaha Whitetail Diaries Trekkit ATV Yamaha Whitetail Diaries Gary Cooper's Fishing Diary Flyways Finest 16:30
17:00 Overland Chronicles TV Emerald Tails Cabela's Deer Gear Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming Fishing the Wild West TV The Flush Wild Talk 17:00
17:30 National Walleye Tour North Mountain Adventures Here's the Catch The One The Outdoorsman Water Ways Wild Talk 17:30
18:00 Catching Bass with Dustin Wilks The Way It Was TV SnowTrax Television How to Hunt with Ryan Kohler The Flush CCFR Radio - On the Air Outdoor Quest TV 18:00
18:30 Flyways Finest Carnivore TV Snowmobiler TV The Canadian Tradition Final Approach Presents "The Last Pass" SnowTrax Television North Mountain Adventures 18:30
19:00 Viejo Creek Outdoors Due North Outdoors The Chase with Ted & Amber Dirt Nap TV North Mountain Adventures Wild Talk Waterfowl East 19:00
19:30 Canadian Sportfishing DeerTopia Guns & Gear Bowzone Live The Ultimate Fishing Experience Wild Talk The Canadian Tradition 19:30
20:00 Claudio Ongaro's Hired to Hunt Collegiate Bass Fishing Series Trigger Time TV Bowzone Live Hunting with HECS Water Ways The EDGE 20:00
20:30 Trapping Inc. Waterfowl East Red Arrow Prairie Pursuit Wiebe Trapline Adventures The Way It Was TV Mitchell Payment's Moment of Truth TV 20:30
21:00 Non-Typical Nation Sail Kings Archer's Choice CCFR Radio - On the Air The High Road with Keith Warren Canadian Sportfishing Dirt Nap TV 21:00
21:30 Americana Outdoors Mitchell Payment's Moment of Truth TV Long Range Hunter TV The EDGE Sportsman's Journal TV Sportsman's Journal TV Non-Typical Nation 21:30
22:00 Texas Strong Outdoors Silver Kings Let's Take it Outside with Misty Wells Mitchell Payment's Moment of Truth TV The Green Way Outdoors The Green Way Outdoors How to Hunt with Ryan Kohler 22:00
22:30 Wild Angles Fisherman's Digest Reel West Coast Outdoor Quest TV Trailing the Hunter's Moon Bowzone Live Prairie Pursuit 22:30
23:00 SG Adventures Guide's Tails Trapping Inc. Higdon Outdoors TV Outdoor Bound TV Bowzone Live Claudio Ongaro's Hired to Hunt 23:00
23:30 Sport Fishing on the Fly Deer & Wildlife Stories Pursue The Wild Deer & Deer Hunting TV Gary Cooper's Fishing Diary Homegrown Pursue The Wild 23:30
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time