Whether you lease, own or just have access to a small piece of private land, you can improve it to make it more deer-friendly. This is all about helping you achieve those goals - and more!
Whether you lease, own or just have access to a small piece of private land, you can improve it to make it more deer-friendly. This is all about helping you achieve those goals - and more! DEERTOPIA is a spin-off of the wildly popular YouTube program “Grow ’em Big with Steve Bartylla.” A veteran land manager with 25-plus years of experience, Steve provides real-world advice and techniques that will shorten your learning curve toward producing bigger and healthier deer, while also offering proven hunting tactics. Each episode is aimed at making your piece of deer hunting ground the very best that it can be!
In the pilot episode of DeerTopia, show host and expert land manager Steve Bartylla takes us through the do's and don'ts of what to do when we start managing our land for whitetail deer.
Hunting public ground may seem a bit overwhelming at first but DeerTopia host, Steve Bartylla helps break down the steps for success in public land hunting!
A big part of hunting is being active in the vast community that it portrays. DeerTopia host, Steve Bartylla discusses the stigma he and many other hunters are trying to eliminate within the community. Let's make hunting strong again!
So you've acquired some land and wondering how you can make it the most effective hunting ground you possess. Steve Bartylla goes through everything you need to know about making a whitetail sanctuary.
Every hunter knows that a whitetail's sense of smell should never be underestimated. Even the slightest mistake can be crucial to whether or not you tag out. Steve Bartylla gives us expert advice on multiple different ways we can mask our scent as hunters.
There is always so much to consider when putting a blind or a stand up on a property. Which direction should it face, how high should it be, where are the deer moving? Deertopia host, Steve Bartylla goes over anything and everything in regards to where to place your stand.
Steve Bartylla shows us what we can do to naturally bring the deer on our land and how to hold them there for a long time.
Healthy foliage for whitetails is most effective when it gets to do its job, however, invasive species can prevent your food sources from doing what they should. Expert land manager, Steve Bartylla takes us through the steps of removing these hiccups in the land.
Managing land can be tough, but it's even tougher when you aren't equipped with the right tools. Steve Bartylla goes through affordable ways you can make a whitetail habitat.
There is so much more to your property than what you've put there. Before you even started working that land it came with an abundance of natural resources that can be effective in attracting deer. Steve Bartylla gives us expert tips on making the most out of that property.
Every second spent outside of the blind or stand could be used to further your preparation for next season. In this episode of Deertopia we get advice from industry professional, Steve Bartylla on how to hunt the seasons!
If you've ever had to feed kids, you know they're some of the pickiest eaters. Whitetail deer are no different! Planting the right food on your plots is key to attracting healthy deer as well as maintaining your plot for seasons to come. Steve Bartylla gives us the do's and dont's!
There's a lot of down time between each hunting season. So much down time that we may need to freshen up our minds before the next adventure. Steve Bartylla gives us a few friendly reminders for a successful season to come.
Steve Bartylla shares safety tips for hanging your treestand.
Host Steve Bartylla and deer behavioural expert, Daniel Schmidt talk about deer rubs and what they indicate as sign.
It's the start of DeerTopia Season 2! To kick things off Steve brings back special guest, Todd Stittleberg, to talk about creating a DIY plot with very little gear.
Deer and Deer Hunting's very own Dan Schmidt comes on to discuss the best ways to line up a shot on a deer.
Everything you do leading up to the shot can affect the shot itself. So what can you do to stack the odds in your favor? Dan Schmidt from Deer and Deer Hunting comes along to share what he does to make successful shots.
To take your hunting up another level, you have to learn everything there is to know about the prey you're chasing. In this episode Steve takes us back to class as we become students of the whitetail.
Steve takes a break from setting up and managing grounds for bow hunting and shifts his focus on doing those things for gun hunting. Learn Steve's tips and tricks to sharpen your skills as a firearms hunter.
The ability to see where and how much time a deer is spending on your property is a tremendous advantage as a hunter. Steve Bartylla discusses how he uses trail cameras for any hunting situation including hunting public ground.
Getting deer to move on your property is tough as it is but getting them to move in ways that give you shot opportunities is a whole other ball park. Adrian Chapman of Firmanator discusses how one can set their plot up to promote "Deer Flow".
Hunting public land may be the only option for some folks which leaves the hunter with highly pressured deer and not a lot of time to hunt them. In this episode, Steve Bartylla shares his advice for successful public land hunting.
Managing does, maintaining a low pressure habitat and dealing with trespassers. Today on DeerTopia Steve Bartylla shares a few things you may have not known about when it comes to managing your property.
Steve brings on Todd Stittleburg from Antler King to discuss whitetail nutrition and the difference between consumption and digestion.
Iain Wallace of Chestnut Hill Outdoors comes on the show to give us advice on managing grounds from a remote location.
Steve shows us exactly how we can make something special with very little. Today on DeerTopia, we're making low cost plots.
Iain Wallace of Chestnut Hill Outdoors helps salvage our failed nursery's with a few useful tips.
Daniel Schmidt & Steve Bartylla discuss two practices gun hunters can do to up their game.
Steve Bartylla shares tips for hunting out of a ground blind.
Steve Bartylla talks about four ways to make sure you don't bump deer out of your scouting area.
Steve Bartylla gives you tips on how to prevent your trail camera from being stolen, as well as an alternate scouting technique.
After years of being supported by those of you who have read, watched or slept through his teachings, Steve just wants to give all of you a very sincere thank you.
We all do our best to pattern whitetails in the early season, but is it as effective as we think it is? Or are the few regular habits we're able to document just the tip of the iceberg?
Maximizing the antler size of the bucks on your property means you have to think about nutrition year-round. We'll tell you what can be done to help deer reach their full genetic potential.
Scouting is an essential skill that you'll want to master if you intend to be successful in the deer woods. Even if that means just making sure that you and those you share your hunts with are having fun.
Whitetail bucks choose their core areas throughout the year for many reasons. Figuring out why, will go a long way toward helping your habitat improvements attract more bucks to the area.
The challenges of managing land that isn't right in your back yard can be difficult to overcome. Steve invites guests to share their insights on how to maximize the time you have to produce the best possible deer hunting for your land.
It's a lot easier to avoid bumping deer when they can't see you, which is why Steve Bartylla recommends screening cover.
If they do not see you, if they do not hear you, if they do not SMELL you! You were never there.
Steve shares the screen with food plot experts Todd Stittleburg & Adrian Chapman.
Steve talks about how he strategically uses ground blinds rather than tree stands to increase he chances of success in the deer woods.
In this episode Steve explains one great way to learn more about whitetails that you probably haven't considered before.
Keeping deer unaware of your presence in the deer woods is perhaps the #1 reason for your success. Steve explain how to ensure you're making the lowest impact you possible can.
Iain Wallace of Chestnut Hill Outdoors helps salvage our failed nurseries with a few useful tips.
Steve gives private land owners details on one of the most overlooked tools for potential income, supplemental food sources and wildlife management.
Management isn't just deciding what to shoot and what not to shoot. For land owners there is a 360 degree for managing wildlife habitat.
Some call them deer flows, others call them transition zone and some just call them trails. Today we learn how to help deer move where we want them to move on our property.
There are no, "professional" hunters. Becoming better hunters takes a constant effort for everyone, Steve included.
Over the years Steve has learned the benefits of hunting from the ground and he's sharing why in this episode of DeerTopia.
Before you think about creating hit lists for the upcoming season, there are a few things about whitetails to take into consideration.
"Experts" like to suggest that you keep certain deer another year, but what challenges come with that? And, ultimately, is it right for you and your hunting situation?
Dominance plays a role in many of the events that occur in the buck community, this often results in some of our target bucks vanishing from our properties.
Hunting mock scrapes isn't as simple as putting one up and watching the magic happen. A strategy catered to the behavioral tendencies of big mature bucks is going to lead to your ultimate chances of success.
Being a small property owner doesn't mean you can't turn your land into an enjoyable arena for successful deer hunting.
When you master the ability to plan your work, and work your plan, the amount of land you have to work with becomes increasingly less significant.
The plan for the perfect food plot starts long before breaking ground and planting seed, Steve Bartylla explains it all this week.
Special guest Iain Wallace of Chestnut Hill Outdoors walks us step-by-step in creating the perfect tree nursery for healthy and happy whitetail herds.
Steve Bartylla explains how collaboration with your neighbors can lead to healthier deer populations and more rewarding hunts.
From site selection, access creation, to deciding what to plant, Steve Bartylla explains the steps that you should follow when starting a new food plot.
From blood-trailing strategies to understanding deer behavior, Steve breaks down what every hunter needs to know to ensure a successful recovery.
Steve explains the benefits of having less resources while figuring out the key to still maximizing your fun in the deer woods.
Steve shares expert tips on enhancing your hunting property by identifying and providing resources deer may lack in the surrounding area. From food and water to bedding and security, learn how to attract and hold more deer by meeting their unique needs.
Steve reveals strategies for making the most of small properties to create prime whitetail hunting opportunities. From strategic stand placement to habitat improvements, discover how to turn limited acreage into a deer magnet.
Steve breaks down the pros and cons of owning a small property for whitetail hunting. Learn how to capitalize on the advantages while overcoming the unique challenges to make your land a whitetail hotspot.
Steve Bartylla shares proven strategies to maximize hunting success on public land and small properties, covering tactics for stand placement, pressure management and deer behavior.
Steve Bartylla breaks down the impacts of winter stress on whitetails, from harsh weather and limited food to predator pressure and energy conservation. Learn how deer survive the toughest months and what hunters and land managers can do to help them thrive.