Carnivore TV is a premier predator hunting series featuring Gary Roberson, owner of Burnham Brothers Game Calls. His production crew has more experience in network broadcast television than any outdoor program in existence.
For 10 years, Carnivore has led the outdoor television industry with the premiere predator hunting series featuring Gary Roberson, owner of Burnham Brothers Game Calls. His production crew has more experience in network broadcast television than any outdoor program in existence. Documentary style, cinematic story-telling, and an easy-going manner put Carnivore in a class by itself.
In the wide-open desert along the New Mexico/Arizona state line, coyotes come running in, sometimes in numbers impossible to follow with a rifle, or a camera.
More predator calling in the wide-open rolling desert along the Arizona/New Mexico state line, where multiple coyotes create chaos and confusion.
Gary Roberson teams up with two Texas Panhandle predator hunters in a land where you can see forever, and there's nowhere to hide from your mistakes!
Part Two as Gary Roberson teams up with two Texas panhandle predator hunters in a land where you can see forever, and there's nowhere to hide from your mistakes!
Another trip to the Texas panhandle where the view never ends and neither do the coyotes.
An exclusive look at footage taken in 2021 by legendary Navajo houndsman & hunting guide Calvin Redhouse, in the most remote corners of the 17.5 million acre Navajo Nation in Arizona.
Part 2 of our exclusive look at footage taken in 2021 by legendary Navajo houndsman & hunting guide Calvin Redhouse, in the most remote corners of the 17.5 million acre Navajo Nation in Arizona.
Carnivore host, Gary Roberson, once again pairs up with wildlife photographer Pecos Hagler, this time in the thick South Texas brush.
Host Gary Roberson calls in a South Texas bobcat that stays in the opening for almost 30 minutes. In this episode, Gary switches from hunter to instructor, helping the viewer better understand how to work a bobcat.
Calling bobcats for wildlife photographer Pecos Hagler results in great photographs and two incredible moments all on camera.
Wildlife photographer Pecos Hagler takes the first predator photos ever made under the assistance of ultrasonic sounds, one photo takes his breath away.
NCAA cheerleader decides she wants to hunt bears in the Navajo Nation of Arizona. She never expected how this hunt would turn out.
The high plains of Texas, where sound travels forever and coyotes respond from miles away to Gary Roberson’s Ultrasonic sounds from his revolutionary new caller “The Freq”.
Action from all angles, coyotes responding to the all new ultrasonic sounds from Carnivore's Gary Roberson.
Part two of using ultrasonics to outsmart coyotes who seem to have every advantage.
The ultimate "Hail Mary" shot on a coyote, and it comes almost in the exact spot of another Hail Mary that made history almost 150 years ago.
Back in the Texas Panhandle high plains, where stretching your barrel is common place, and so are killer storms in "Tornado Alley".
Carnivore host Gary Roberson uses his ground breaking new technology, "The Freq" ultrasonic caller to lure in curious grey foxes in the desert of Southwest Texas. He's calling them in close for handgun action that never stops.
The greatest footage and highlights of Navajo houndsman, Calvin Redhouse, from the day Carnivore outfitted him with video equipment.
Out in remote West Texas, the world's only ultrasonic call, the Freq, brings in unexpected results, multiple targets charging in from multiple directions.
The sounds from the world's only ultrasonic predator call, the Freq, triggers groups moving to the sound, which can be unnerving in the rugged West Texas hills.
While calling coyotes in New Mexico, an unexpected visitor runs in and slaps the Freq. A mature mountain lion, in broad daylight comes and puts on a incredible show, a once in a million lifetimes experience!
A return to the high plains of Texas, where coyotes can come from miles, a perfect testing ground for the Freq, the world's only ultrasonic predator caller.
A return to the far west New Mexico desert and some surprises from the Freq, the world's only ultrasonic predator caller.
Calling predators in the brutal Trans Pecos Desert, then Gary Roberson packs up and drives a path following the Rio Grande River for 400 miles to the thick brush of South Texas.
Carnivore host, Gary Roberson, faces unlucky breaks taking others out to call predators. Nevertheless, the experience results in some exciting action using the world's only ultrasonic caller, the Freq.
Some unexpected visitors intrude into Gary Roberson's predator calling in the wilds of Western New Mexico.
Carnivore host, Gary Roberson, lifts the veil on the accelerated world of developing predator hunting television. He introduces us to Steve, Gary's son and Carnivore camera guy, who never misses so much as a twitch of movement in the brush.
Equipped with the world's only true ultrasonic predator caller, "The Freq", coyotes step out of their comfort zone and fall victim to sounds never heard in the wild before.
The world's first and only ultrasonic caller is attacked by a crazed fox after several other unprecedented encounters in the Texas hill country.
The world's first & only ultrasonic caller is attacked by a pair of crazed foxes after several other unprecedented encounters in the Texas desert. See the only film ever captured of an animal switching off an electronic caller!
An unexpected snow storm in the New Mexico mountains makes for a challenging predator hunt for host Gary Roberson.
Three sets of eyes come in handy in close quarters in the South Texas brush, with coyotes coming from every direction.
A field test of the amazing Ambush 360, which elevates and rotates the world's only true ultrasonic game call, the Freq. Coyotes in western New Mexico have never heard this before.
Once again ultrasonic sounds made the world's only true ultrasonic caller, the Freq, rattle cages of coyotes in New Mexico and South Texas.
A return trip to the mountains of New Mexico and an unexpected discovery inside the ruins of an old house.